7 Ways to Get Motivated to Workout When You’re Depressed


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Sometimes it’s really hard to find the motivation to exercise, and it becomes an even more complicated challenge if you suffer from depression.

Depression and similar disorders also affect a person’s physical fitness. Regardless of the severity of the disorder, these individuals may find it difficult to shower for work, clean the house, and even less, exercise.

But physical activity is one of the best allies in the fight against depression. In fact, two hours of weekly exercise is enough to make the symptoms less pronounced. Although the advice to exercise is already a cliché when it comes to mental disorders, there really is a reason why doctors and psychologists recommend it.

So follow these tips:

Start with a simple activity

For starters, it’s enough to climb the stairs instead of using the elevator or set aside part of the day for a nice walk. Also, don’t underestimate the power of stretching exercises.

Practice at home

If you don’t feel ready to go to the gym or join a social sport, exercise at home. Find videos or apps with exercises that suit you and start practicing them daily.

Call a friend

Some things are easier when done with someone you trust. Turn to your best friend, who will surely want to meet you in your journey to get rid of depressive episodes.

Plan ahead

Plan which days you will exercise and which exercises you will apply. When you know something is coming, your brain and body prepare for the upcoming activity.

Try a new activity

Можеби претходно сте трчале, сте практикувале јога или сте вежбале аеробик, но зошто да не пробате со пливање, одбојка или некоја боречка вештина? Со самото тоа што започнувате нешто ново, ви се враќа и мотивацијата да се грижите за себе.

Work with a coach

To really master a sport or skill, you need to do it under the supervision of a coach. Find motivation in your desire to excel in your chosen field. Help from a trainer will help you stay more active throughout your workout.

Most importantly, be gentle with yourself

Of course, you must not overdo anything, including exercise. Dealing with mental illness is not easy at all, and if you don’t feel up to exercising on any given day, don’t. In no case do not force yourself at any cost to do what you set out to do and be patient with your mental health.

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