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Vitamin bomb, pure essence of vitamins and minerals – Dried fruits and nuts in honey


I don’t have measurements, I prepare it all with approximately 5 kilos of dried fruit, seeds and nuts and 3 kilos of meadow honey.


    • Dried fruits – apricots, figs, seedless plums, cranberries, chokeberry and raisins.
    • Nuts – Brazil nuts, cashews, walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, hazelnuts and almonds.
    • Seeds – sunflower and pumpkin.
    • Honey – meadow.


    • All the ingredients are chopped, and you can grind the seeds and nuts if you want, but this way it is tastier and strengthens the teeth and jaw by chewing.
    • Mix all the ingredients well to make them even, then spread them in the jars. Then it starts with pouring the honey, which lasts all day, because it needs time to settle down slowly.
    • This is a dessert, food, medicine, for serving guests…Pure essence of vitamins and minerals to strengthen the immune system!

    Tip: the peanuts should be unsalted, and you can just seal them a little, then let them cool, and you can do the same with the pumpkin seeds if you want.

    It should not be pressed from above with anything, because the jars are filled to the top, so the small fruits fill the gaps. All fruits can be cut, but I do not grind them because of the visual appearance, and also to strengthen the teeth and jaw.

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