Do you have a few pounds to lose? Try these drinks: they ensure better quality sleep and give a boost to your metabolism.
In this article, we offer you recipes for 8 different drinks that will allow you to say goodbye to your abdominal fat.

Boil a cup of water and then add ¼ teaspoon of ground ginger.
Ginger improves the thermal effect and de facto promotes the feeling of satiety, which allows you to space out your meals and eat much less than usual. In addition, this spice is renowned for its hepato-protective properties, it helps fight against the accumulation of toxins in the liver, helping you to get rid of them effectively, therefore facilitating weight loss.

- It is considered one of the best fat burners and one of the most effective draining and detoxifying drinks. In addition, green tea causes a satiety effect which prevents you from feeling cravings in the middle of the day and rushing to the first sweet or pastry in the corner!
- Green tea contains caffeine and catechins, molecules known for their anti-cancer and antioxidant properties or anti-aging substances that delay cellular aging. You can consume it without moderation all day long. Do not add white sugar but honey if you have difficulty with the slightly harsh taste of natural green tea. A little lemon juice is also a plus and will allow you to benefit from the antiseptic properties of this fruit.

This drink will be ready in no time!
It is a slimming drink known for its incredible detox effect . In addition to enjoying the benefits of lemon (appetite suppressant and diuretic actions), this drink is very simple to prepare: squeeze a lemon to recover its juice and mix it with two liters of water. For extra flavor, add a sprig of thyme.

Are you sleeping badly ? You better take certain measures because in general it does not bode well for your balance . Too little sleep can also make you more susceptible to illness by weakening your immune system . Natural remedies exist: choose them before falling into the vicious circle of sleeping pills! Chamomile is one of them, it’s no secret. It helps digestion, has diuretic properties and is even a natural muscle relaxant (which relaxes the muscles). Tea before bed will therefore help you fall asleep and improve your quality of sleep.

After the pineapple slimming drink, here is the grapefruit one which will help you burn your fat every day and boost your metabolism . These preparation steps are as follows: infuse two bags of mate tea, 5 cloves and 2 vanilla sticks in two liters of hot water. Squeeze a grapefruit, collect its juice and mix the two preparations to obtain your slimming drink.

A protein shake with soy milk in the evening is a great idea! Soy milk is (like cow’s milk) very rich in tryptophan, and this amino acid will reduce the level of cortisol (and therefore the level of stress) in the blood, which will therefore relax you. A high level of cortisol is also often linked to fat storage in the abdominal area. But this recipe is also rich in plant proteins and therefore ideal for vegans.

- Blend an organic cucumber, you can add water to dilute the mixture and soften the flavor.
- Cucumber is 96% water, so it is very low in calories and helps hydrate and drain your body. In addition, this food is rich in fiber, silicon, sulfur, vitamins and antioxidants, it considerably promotes weight loss, digestion and also helps control your glycemic index. According to the New Delhi Television website, cucumber not only helps melt abdominal fat, but also relieves constipation, reduces heartburn and lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Yes, you read correctly: grape juice can help you shed a few extra pounds faster. It’s all a question of quantity of course because fruits contain a lot of sugar. A small glass of pure grape juice (about 150 ml) before going to bed will stimulate the fat burning process. For what ? A study conducted by the International Journal of Obesity found that resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant found in grapes, was responsible. It will in fact transform white fat into brown fat which has the particularity of burning calories.