An unpleasant smell coming from your mouth and nose? Even though you have impeccable oral hygiene, these bad odors persist? You suffer from bad breath. Find out how to put an end to those bad odors.
What you need
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 5 cl of boiled demineralized water
- 1 drop of eucalyptus essential oil
- 1 empty bottle that closes
- 1 funnel
- 1 bowl

- In a bowl, put the bicarbonate.
- Add the salt.
- Boil the deionized water
- Pour it into the bowl.
- Add the drop of eucalyptus essential oil.
- Mix all the ingredients.
- Place the funnel on the bottle.
- Pour your remedy into the bottle.
- Use this homemade mouthwash after each toothbrushing.
- Like a normal mouthwash, spit out the liquid after using it.
How to maintain good dental hygiene?
Dental hygiene is a set of daily rituals to prevent and eliminate the formation of dental plaque and many ailments related to the health of teeth and gums. To avoid them, it is essential to:
- Brush your teeth after every meal or at least twice a day to prevent plaque formation.
- Visit your dentist regularly. At least an annual visit is necessary to detect cavities or to carry out scaling.
- Adopt good brushing technique. It is important to know how to brush your teeth thoroughly to get rid of bacteria that accumulates in the mouth. The idea is to move the brush up and down, from the gum toward the tooth for 2 to 3 minutes. You can complete your dental care with dental floss and mouthwash.
- Avoid foods that are bad for oral hygiene such as drinks loaded with sugar and sweets which can ultimately cause cavities.