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Japanese banana diet: little restrictions, lots of fat burned, and controlled metabolism

You must consume one banana at breakfast. Every morning, a maximum of 4 bananas are permitted. The remaining meals should be brief, lite, and frequently...

What happens if you drink pineapple water, which became popular after lemon water?

A delightful alternative to regular water is pineapple water. We learn why it is so healthy and how it is made, as well as...

During the Christmas season, here are five smoothie recipes that will aid with weight loss.

We all need something to keep us in shape throughout the holiday season, which is filled with rich and delectable meals and eating is...

In just 21 days, you can lose weight with a quick diet !

Now that summer has arrived, you're undoubtedly beginning to consider decreasing weight. You can modify the diet and create a lighter version if you...

Lose 7 pounds in one week with the “Worker’s Diet” plan

A prosperous American business came up with the GM or workers' diet in 1985 with the intention of assisting staff members in losing weight...

Simple weight loss techniques that have been validated by science

There are many tips that will make losing weight easier, including turning off the TV when eating and substituting fruit and vegetables for snacks. Although...