Honey as a bee product is known to us as an excellent choice in the prevention of many diseases, while cocoa is considered one of the most nutritious foods. It is extremely rich in antioxidants.
Suffice it to say, it has more antioxidants than red wine, blueberries, acai berries and rosehips combined. It is rich in minerals and iron, which is why it is included in the first ranks when it comes to anemia.
In combination with honey, ground cocoa powder is used, raw, organic cocoa is best. As with other foods, better and worse quality cocoa can be found on the market.
Therefore, always pay attention to the country of origin, as well as the manufacturer. Quality, organic cocoa is always richer in antioxidants, and therefore healthier.
The same applies to honey: source from a verified beekeeper, who produces the honey from an ecologically unpolluted environment. Mix the two ingredients in a 1:1 ratio (one teaspoon of cocoa powder and one teaspoon of honey, mix until you get a homogeneous mixture.

USAGE: Eat one teaspoon of this mixture every morning. Melt it slowly in your mouth so that digestion begins with the salivary enzymes and thus it is easier and faster to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
This mixture of cocoa and honey can be used daily and if you do not have any problem, to improve general health and as prevention. Best of all, it’s too delicious!
Experts include cocoa in the so-called “superfood”, and also claim that it has a three times greater effect on the body than green or black tea, which we know are the most famous antioxidant drinks.
Cocoa as a herb is known for protecting the body from free radicals (the main causes of cancer), reduces stress and depression, protects against heart and blood vessel diseases, as well as many types of cancer. But it is best known for being an excellent source of iron.
COCOA FOR ANEMIA. Which has the highest percentage of iron and is recommended as a remedy for anemia. So, if you have a problem with anemia, add it to your diet as a hot drink (it brews the same as coffee) or in a mixture with honey.
RECIPE. Mix one teaspoon of cocoa powder and one teaspoon of honey, smooth the mixture so that you get a mixture that tastes a lot like Nutella, especially if you add half a teaspoon of ground hazelnuts. It is eaten every morning on an empty stomach.

COCOA IS RICH IN IRON. Cocoa is rich in iron, vitamin C, copper and manganese – very important for the activation of iron in the body and the treatment of anemia. Iron is part of hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen through blood to all cells.
In addition: cocoa has an antioxidant effect; prevents cardiovascular diseases; improves memory and concentration; medicine against stress and depression: medicine against anemia: regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood; reduces high blood pressure;
This mixture of cocoa and honey improves mood (influences the secretion of endorphins, serotonin and dopamine, the main “hormones of happiness”); has a diuretic effect; improves circulation; anticancer effect;
Due to the abundance of antioxidants, this combination has the ability to slow down aging, nourishes and protects the skin and hair, acts as an aphrodisiac;Â raises energy;Â promotes weight loss.