If you are exercising but not seeing results, follow these tips that will surely help you lose weight and achieve your desired body weight.
There are several ways to increase the efficiency of exercise, so just by making small changes you can lose more calories and get the results you want.
One of the reasons why the results are lacking is a slow metabolism, so the burning of calories does not go as fast as you would like. But you should not despair, because there is a solution for this too.
What all the trainers recommend are the following simple tips that you should apply in your daily exercise and thus stimulate the burning of calories, which will lead to faster and better results.

First you need strength exercises and warm-up, then cardio exercises
You will achieve the best results with exercise for melting fat deposits if you keep the body in a state of melting fat tissue after the exercise.
Therefore, it is good to do the strength and warm-up exercises first, following the instructions of the trainers, and then apply the cardio exercises.
Avoid food before exercise
Research has shown that for the best results in losing fat, it is best to exercise in the morning on an empty stomach. If you haven’t eaten before your workout, your body doesn’t have a lot of carbohydrate stores, forcing your body to burn stored fat instead.
If you still want to eat, try to eat three hours before you start exercising, especially if your workouts are in the afternoon.
Complex exercises
In complex exercises, which include more joints and muscles during performance, more calories are consumed and the results achieved with them are incredible.
It is a consequence of the great mobility that you do at once with several joints and thus activate more muscles.
Next time you’re at the gym, ask the trainer to show you how to perform the compound exercises, then get to work.

Interval exercises
Interval exercises or high-intensity exercises are one of the most effective ways to quickly lose calories and speed up metabolism.
These exercises involve practicing in sets, regardless of the type of moves, that is, you do one set of the exercise, pause, then repeat it.
They encourage your body to work faster and thus allow you to quickly achieve the desired results.
Super sets
It is an advanced technique for increasing the intensity of exercise. Super sets include a combination of two exercises, which are performed alternately.
You start with a set of the first exercise and then without a break you immediately start with a set of the other exercise. Then you repeat again, starting with the first one, then continuing with the second one.