Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) abounds in my garden!
It is one of the easiest to grow medicinal herbs and has some pretty amazing healing properties…making it a great addition to the home pharmacy.
Historically, lemon balm has been used to treat all kinds of nervous system ailments and is known for it’s ability to:
- calm an irritable child.
- act as an antiviral in treating cold sores due to the herpes virus.
- heal wounds and protect the skin.
- treat the symptoms of the common cold and flu when combined with other medicinal herbs.
- relieve the symptoms of migraine headaches, anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

Likewise, feverfew is unbeatable when it comes to treating the common headache, migraines, stress/tension headaches, and those headaches associated with PMS symptoms. It truly is a wonder herb and a must in the garden of those who suffer these ailments.
Note: Please see my How to Make a Tincture at Home video for more helpful information regarding making a tincture.
Migraine Tincture Recipe
Supplies needed
- Solvent (i.e. 100 proof alcohol or vegetable glycerin)
- quart-sized glass mason jar
- 4 oz. fresh or 2 oz. of dried herbs
- 3 parts lemon balm
- 2 parts feverfew
- 100 proof vodka to fill

1. Measure your herbs depending on whether you are using fresh or dried herbs.
2. If using fresh herbs, chop until fine.
3. Add herbs to glass jar.
4. Pour solvent over herbs to fill the jar. The solvent should rise 1-2 inches above the herbs.
5. Place the lid on the jar and shake until the herbs are well combined.
6. Label jar with contents and date.
7. Set in a warm, sunny window and steep for 2-6 weeks, shaking daily.
8. Strain with a cheesecloth, compost the plant material, and place tincture in dark colored bottles for storage in a cool, dark place. The tincture should keep for up to 5 years.
Adult Dosage
At the sudden onset of migraine symptoms, begin taking 1/4-1/2 a teaspoon of the tincture every 30 minutes to an hour until symptoms subside.
Disclaimer: Please understand that this information is for educational purposes only. The statements made here have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and they are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease. Don’t take my word for it…you should always engage conventional wisdom and consult with your medical professional to determine potential drug interactions and safety of use.