You will revive your blood vessels in just 10 days: An old folk remedy for cleaning blood vessels, the recipe is worth pure gold!
Blood vessel health is vital, and there are natural ways to strengthen it and prevent adverse outcomes.
To clean the blood vessels, people resort to various drugs that often lead to a strain on the work of the liver and kidneys.
To completely clean the blood vessels without damaging other organs, try this natural ancient recipe.
Over the years, improper nutrition leads to damage to the blood vessels, whose walls lose their elasticity and become rigid, and layers of cholesterol – plaques – are deposited inside.
So, they narrow significantly, and as a result, the circulation decreases and there is a reduced supply of blood to the vital organs and nutrition.
Clogged blood vessels are life-threatening!
In addition, the brain suffers significantly because it is not supplied with enough oxygen, and the blood pressure rises. As a consequence of these processes, a stroke or heart attack, as well as other serious diseases, could occur.

- 4 whole lemons with peel, preferably organic
- 1 thumb-sized piece of ginger root
- 2 liters of water
- 4-5 cloves of garlic
- 2 tablespoons of honey
Wash the lemon well and pour hot boiling water over it to remove the impurities. Then take it out of the water and cut it into pieces and remove the seeds.
Clean the ginger and garlic and grind them in a meat grinder or in a blender.
Put 2 liters of water on the fire to boil, then let it cool down to 60 degrees. Add the garlic, ginger and honey and mix well. Finally, add the lemon.
Let it cook for two hours at the lowest possible temperature, or put the entire contents in a large thermos where the temperature will be maintained for the next two hours. Then let it cool, blend the ingredients with a hand mixer, mix well and strain the contents.
Store the medicine in a 3-liter jar and keep it in the refrigerator. Drink 100 ml of the liquid every day on an empty stomach, and the same amount in the evening. The therapy lasts for three weeks, after which a break of one week is made, and then consumption is continued for a duration of 4 weeks.
The effects are visible and you will feel them in just 20 days! But in order for the cleaning to be complete, continue the treatment according to the protocol described above.