Tag: remedy


I couldn’t get up because of the pain and now I run like a young girl! My legs don’t hurt, I feel great

A simple remedy with wheat groats, thanks to which you will have a good mood and energy, as well as cleanse your body. Don’t forget...

This Herbal Tea Helps in Cases of Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, and Hashimoto’s!

Thyme is a herb native to the Mediterranean region and southern European, which has been traditionally used as a homemade remedy in the case...

Grandma Told Me This Trick. It Healed My Cracked Heels in Just a Few Days

Cracked heels is not only a serious health condition, it is also very painful, persistent and can impair the quality of life. ...

Bay Leaf, Milk, and Honey Remedy for Coughs and Congestion: A Must-Remember Recipe!

A cough can be very uncomfortable and sometimes even debilitating, especially when it keeps you up at night. You can prepare this tried-and-true folk...

Bay leaves: the best remedy to repel cockroaches!

Say Goodbye to Cockroaches with Natural Solutions! Cockroaches in the home can be distressing. They thrive in warm, humid environments and often appear in...