Do not count calories, but focus on the amount of sugar and be sure to sleep for seven hours every night – what else does Dr. Emi Hosoda, who lost 45 kg and managed to maintain the optimal weight, advise?
Do not count calories, but focus on the amount of sugar and be sure to sleep for seven hours every night – what else does Dr. Emi Hosoda, who lost 45 kg and managed to maintain the optimal weight, advise?
She tried everything and everything, and in the end she realized that strict diets are not the solution and small changes in her habits are needed.

The doctor managed to lose 45 kg and maintain her ideal weight, and now she shares the tips that helped her the most:
Pay attention to the amount of sugar, not the number of calories
Amy says she always checks the amount of sugar in her food.
Eating too much sugar always results in weight gain as the body stores the excess as fat.
At the same time, excessive sugar intake increases the risk of diabetes.
When it comes to calories, the number we need to take in per day depends on many factors, including physical activity and metabolism.
This means that we can’t all limit ourselves to the same number of calories, so it’s pointless to count them.
The doctor also points out that not all calories are the same. That is, just because a food is low in calories, doesn’t mean it’s good for you or doesn’t contain excess sugars, which are major fattening culprits.

Drink lots of water
The doctor says you have to learn to distinguish between thirst and hunger – sometimes when you think you’re hungry, it’s more likely you’re just thirsty.
The amount of water we should drink depends on our weight, so Emmy advises using a simple formula to determine it.
You need to multiply your weight by 0.033. This means that for every kilogram, you should drink 0.033 liters of water.
Well, if you weigh 60 kilograms, then you should drink about two liters of water.
But if you have health problems, such as heart or kidney disease, or low sodium levels, you should consult a doctor about the amount of water you should drink.

Get enough sleep
Due to the fast lifestyle, our sleep often suffers.
And lack of sleep causes fatigue, and therefore hunger. This means that when we don’t get enough sleep, we tend to eat more than we need.
Try to sleep at least seven hours every night, and if you have problems like insomnia, be sure to consult an expert.

Prioritize muscle strengthening exercises
Amy says that while most people do aerobics or cardio to lose weight, she noticed that in her case, muscle-strengthening exercises helped a lot more.
Strengthening muscles is especially important for people over 50, who may begin to experience loss of muscle mass and even movement problems.