Many of us simply can not make it to the gym, however, that is not a reason to stop taking care of our body.
Exercising from home can be as much as effective as in the gym. This amazing program will take only a few minutes of your time and it will deliver amazing results.
Each exercise should last for 30 seconds and then have a break for 10 seconds.
Step-by-Step Instructions for the Advanced 7-Minute Workout
Reverse Lunge, Elbow to Instep With Rotation, Alternating Sides (30 seconds)

- Extend right leg behind you, with left knee bent and right hand on ground (the reverse lunge).
- Bend left arm and bring inside front (left) knee, then raise and point right arm and chest skyward. (rotation).
- Place both hands on ground while straightening both legs and flexing ankles; return to standing position.
- Repeat with left leg and right arm. Repeat.
Lateral Pillar Bridge, Left Side (30 seconds)

- Lie on left side. Lift side off ground.
- Point right arm toward sky.
Push-Up to Row to Burpee (60 seconds)

- Position self over both dumbbells, legs extended back. Do a push-up.
- Lift and lower right dumbbell, then left dumbbell (as if rowing).
- Rapidly pull legs forward. Release dumbbells.
- Jump forcefully upward (completing a Burpee).
Lateral Pillar Bridge, Right Side (30 seconds)

- Lie on right side. Lift side off ground.
- Point left arm toward sky.
Single-Leg Romanian Dead Lift to Curl to Press, Left Side (60 seconds)

- Hold dumbbells at hips.
- Lean forward, balancing on left leg while extending right leg back (the Romanian dead lift).
- Return to start position.
- Curl dumbbells toward chest (the Curl).
- Raise both dumbbells over head (the Press).
- Lower weights to chest.
- Lower weights to hips and resume starting position. Repeat.
 Single-Leg Romanian Dead Lift to Curl to Press, Right Side (60 seconds)
- Hold dumbbells at hips.
- Lean forward, balancing on right leg while extending left leg back (the Romanian deadlift).
- Return to start position.
- Curl dumbbells toward chest (the Curl).
- Raise both dumbbells over head (the Press).
- Lower weights to chest.
- Lower weights to hips and resume starting position. Repeat.
Plank With Arm Lift (30 seconds)

- Assume push-up position (also known as The Plank).
- Lift one arm in front of you. Lower. Lift other arm. Repeat rapidly.
Lateral Lunge to Overhead Triceps Extension (60 seconds)

- Stand straight, holding dumbbells at shoulder height.
- Take big step to right side, bending right knee while keeping left leg straight (a Lateral Lunge). Return to upright.
- Lift dumbbells over head. Lower them back toward shoulder. Step to other side. Repeat.
Bent-Over Row (60 seconds)

- Holding dumbbells, lean forward, knees bent, back straight.
- Lift one dumbbell until it reaches chest height (as if rowing). Lower.
- Lift dumbbell on other side and lower. Repeat on each side while maintaining bent-over position.