The Best Black Coffee Recipe for Weight Loss


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Here are some points to consider while making a cup of delicious black coffee for maximum weight loss benefits:

Use High Quality, Fresh Coffee Beans

Coffee beans comprise essential compounds released when brewed, crucial for weight loss. Using fresh beans will ensure your coffee is flavourful and contains these compounds. The quality of the coffee beans also makes a massive difference in the taste and the amount of caffeine per cup. Freshly ground coffee beans can produce a richer flavour and contain more caffeine.

Measure Out the Correct Amount of beans for Each Cup

You should measure out the correct amount of beans for each cup. It helps ensure that you are not over or under-brewing each cup. Many coffee makers have markings for how much ground you should use for different servings. When making black coffee for weight loss, the key is to restrict your caffeine intake. So, measure the right amount to ensure you don’t go overboard.

Grind the Beans to a Medium-Fine Consistency

Grinding the beans to a medium-fine consistency will produce the best flavour and results.

Avoid Additives

Avoid additives such as cream, sugar, or other sweeteners, as these can drastically increase the calorie content of the coffee. In addition, avoiding these additives helps when trying to lose weight.

Use Filtered Water

Using filtered water helps to reduce the level of toxins in your cup. However, these toxins may hinder the effectiveness of the compounds present in coffee beans and their health benefits. In addition, boil the appropriate amount of water and use just the right amount for each cup of coffee. Adding too much will make the coffee too watery, and too little can result in a bitter taste.

Use the Right Amount of Coffee

The quantity of coffee also plays a significant role in the weight loss benefits of black coffee. Generally, it is advisable to use one teaspoon of coffee grounds per 130 ml of water.

Store Correctly

Lastly, properly store your coffee in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. It will help to preserve the flavour and compounds for longer.

The Best Black Coffee Recipe for Weight Loss

Here we discuss the best black coffee recipe for weight loss: 

Black Coffee Recipe


  • Freshly ground coffee: 1 tbsp
  • Filtered water: 1 cup
  • Milk of choice (optional for a twist)

Method of Preparation

  1. Boil water in a pot on the stove.
  2. Add freshly ground coffee to a filter or French press.
  3. Pour the boiled water onto the ground coffee and let it sit for 3 minutes.
  4. Press the French press slowly to filter out the coffee.
  5. Pour the coffee into a mug and add milk if desired.


  • One can adjust the coffee type and the coffee-to-water ratio basis personal preferences.
  • If you are adding milk, use low-fat or non-dairy milk.
  • The fresher the coffee grounds, the better the flavour of the coffee.
  • For an extra anti-inflammatory boost, add a pinch of turmeric or cinnamon.

Black Coffee with MCT Oil Recipe


  • Freshly ground coffee beans: 2 tbsp
  • Filtered water: 1 cup
  • MCT oil: 1 tsp

Method of Preparation

  1. Heat a pot or kettle of filtered water to 200 – 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Put the ground coffee into a French press or French press-style coffee maker.
  3. Pour in the heated water and swirl in the MCT oil
  4. Allow the coffee grounds to steep for 3-4 minutes
  5. Press the plunger down on the top of the French press
  6. Pour the coffee into a mug and enjoy.

The Best Time to Drink Black Coffee for Weight Loss

The best time to drink black coffee for weight loss is first thing in the morning, as it helps rev up your metabolism. This is because black coffee helps to stimulate cortisol and adrenaline, two hormones that increase your energy, helping you burn fat and optimise your metabolism.

Despite its benefits, however, it is essential to note that you should be mindful if you’re drinking black coffee to lose weight. Limiting your coffee intake after mid-afternoon is also best, as drinking it too late may impair your sleep, negatively affecting your weight loss efforts.

How to Incorporate Black Coffee into Your Weight Loss Plan?

Making black coffee part of your weight loss plan is incredibly simple and a great addition to your daily routine. Here are a few tips on how to incorporate it into your regular routines:

Replace Caffeinated Drinks

These caffeinated drinks include soda and other sugary beverages with a cup of black coffee. It can significantly reduce calorie intake and help you reach your weight loss goals quicker.

Have Your Coffee Early in the Day

Make black coffee the morning pick-me-up instead of sugary breakfast pastries and cereals. A cup or two of black coffee can provide much-needed energy without the additional fat and calories in many breakfast cereals.

Skip the Afternoon Sweet Treat

Skip your afternoon sweets; instead, reach for a cup of black coffee. Not only will this help to reduce your calorie consumption, but it can also give you the energy boost you need to stay focused and productive.

Enjoy a Cup of Black Coffee in the Evening

Consume a cup of black coffee early evening instead of snacking late at night. It will help you reduce your overall calorie consumption, and drinking black coffee can also suppress your appetite.

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