There are more than 300 types of aloe, but only 4 of them have medicinal properties. The species Aloe Barbadensis Miller is among the first on this list, with the technical name “Aloe Vera” and possessing a myriad of medicinal properties.
The latest research shows that regular consumption of aloe vera juice (with occasional breaks) improves the health of the entire organism. Thanks to the healing properties of aloe vera, the juice of this plant significantly helps in controlling blood sugar. In addition, it contributes to strengthening resistance and boosting immunity.
Recipe: Aloe vera juice: Aloe vera is usually concentrated in the form of juice. It is recommended to consume juice in the morning or 2-3 hours before going to bed. You can also drink aloe vera juice 20-30 minutes before meals so that the body can use all the vitamins and minerals. The juice can be included as a dietary supplement, and in addition, it naturally helps in the fight against infections and diseases.

Necessary ingredients: 1 aloe vera leaf, 1 glass of water (200 ml). Procedure: Cut an aloe vera leaf and wash it. Then cut the leaf in half so you can separate the gel from the inside of the leaf.
After separating the gel, put it in a blender and blend well. Put two small spoons of gel in a glass of water. You can put the rest of the gel from the blender into a jar and store it in the refrigerator for up to a week.