THE MOST POWERFUL NATURAL ANTIBIOTIC: It affects 700 genes in our body and cures more than 160 diseases. Currently, turmeric is one of the most commonly used spices in the world.
People mostly use it in the kitchen because of its unique taste, but it has been used in alternative medicine as a medicine for centuries. Also, turmeric has a unique orange color that stands out among other spices. People mostly use it to treat stomach problems, wounds and muscle injuries.
Numerous scientific studies have confirmed the benefits that turmeric has for our health. The spice contains an active compound called curcumin, which can reduce inflammation as well as cure many digestive problems.
According to some experts, curcumin can also help people prevent acne, that is, it acts preventively for most diseases.
Curcumin is full of anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that can help fight many diseases.
Research suggests that curcumin can help cells “survive” severe inflammation. It also protects our DNA. Turmeric helps treat arthritis in late life when these conditions are very common.
Many experts claim that turmeric can help treat liver problems, breathing problems, autoimmune disorders, and neurological problems. It contains a compound called curcumin, which can also serve as a natural remedy against Alzheimer’s disease. Turmeric improves brain function.
Turmeric has a better effect when combined with honey. This combination can help fight many bacteria and will preserve the good bacteria in your gut. Here’s how to make this powerful concoction.

Necessary ingredients: 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder, 100 g of honey.
Preparation: Mix the ingredients in a glass jar. Consume a teaspoon of this mixture every hour if you have a cold. The next day, consume two teaspoons every 2 hours. On the third day, triple the dose.
Never swallow the mixture straight away, let it slowly flow down your throat. The therapy lasts 5 days, and the fourth and fifth days are treated the same as the third day.
Never swallow the mixture straight away, let it slowly flow down your throat. The therapy lasts 5 days, and the fourth and fifth days are treated the same as the third day.
Turmeric is oil soluble, which means you need to combine it with some oil for optimal absorption. It is usually combined with cold pressed coconut oil or olive oil. The daily recommended dose is from 3 to 10 g, approximately one teaspoon.
Dr. Anderson’s recipe is the most famous: Mix a quarter teaspoon of turmeric with half a teaspoon of olive oil. Add a pinch of freshly ground black pepper to the mixture. Mix these three ingredients in a cup with a little water or make them independently.
For those looking to lower cholesterol, 700 mg of turmeric extract twice a day may help. An eight-week study found that this combination reduced cholesterol, waist circumference and inflammation.
NOTE: Turmeric is not recommended for people with obstruction of the bile ducts, cholangiritis (inflammation of the bile ducts), liver disease, gallstones, or any disease of the gallbladder, because it stimulates the production of bile that could dislodge the stones. or the processes in this body.
Consult your doctor or nutritionist before use.