Norma Williams, who is 70 years old, holds a line like a 20-year-old lady. What is his secret?
Norma, who was born in Britain but was raised in Italy, began working out and watching her weight when she was 20 years old.
He claims that he doesn’t forgo unhealthy foods or bread for breakfast.

Her regular fare is exactly as follows:
He has two cappuccinos and any more pastries he wants for breakfast.
He then takes a bite out of an orange, banana, or other seasonal fruit.
He must eat a protein-rich dinner that also includes veggies like broccoli, carrots, lentils, mushrooms sauteed in soy sauce and olive oil, seeds, blueberries, or walnut bits.
Whole wheat spaghetti with vegetables and extra virgin olive oil is her favorite dish.
He can bite into biscuits, chocolate, or a salad with sour cream, honey, and almonds for a snack.