Home Fitness Plan What happens if we go to bed shortly after eating, and why...

What happens if we go to bed shortly after eating, and why are we weary afterward?


We occasionally want to “relax” and lie down after eating a large meal, but is it a good idea? Most likely not. Yet why? How does the body fare?
After eating, lying down and sleeping has a number of negative effects.

For instance, if you lie down right after eating, it’s possible that the food will migrate back up your esophagus and give you heartburn in your stomach and neck.

But why do we (almost) never feel like staying up late after eating?

You may feel exhausted after eating for a variety of reasons. What you eat: Meals that are high in protein and carbohydrates can leave you feeling drained afterward. Serotonin production is then increased by the body, which might make you feel lethargic and uninspired. Tryptophan-rich foods including spinach, eggs, cheese, and milk can also make you feel sleepy or lethargic. It just means to eat it in moderation rather than not at all.

How much you eat: Eating causes your blood sugar to rise, which might cause your energy levels to begin to decline, particularly after large meals.

If you’ve ever had a filling lunch only to see a decline in productivity soon after, the quantity of your meal may have played a role.

How long should you wait after eating before turning in?

In general, waiting two to three hours after a meal before going to bed is advised. The same holds true if all you want to do is slumber.

However, use these fast strategies to reduce the drowsiness you experience after eating:

  • Throughout the day, consume smaller meals.
  • After eating, take a stroll to help your body digest the food more quickly (not strenuous physical activity)
  • Don’t consume alcohol while eating.
  • Don’t eat anything. This will help your sleep if done a couple of hours before bed
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