Be it a man suiting up for an event or a woman dressing up in a beautiful ensemble, one thing that ruins your A-game in a wink of an eye is your flabby tummy bulging out.
A flat tummy or a toned abdomen is often contemplated as a sign of a healthy body. And most people yearn for a waistline that does not embarrass them and allows them to walk with confidence and wear the outfit that they prefer without being conscious.
But getting a flat tummy is no joke, more so when you are already captivated by the sedentary style of life. This lifestyle which lacks any form of workout, and comprises mostly unhealthy food habits, irregular sleep timings and stress contributes to a flabby belly, wider waist, and a higher incidence of health anomalies. Diminished abdominal stability and structure also steer towards poor posture, lower back pain, and sagging of abdominal muscles. Sometimes, even people following a healthy lifestyle and working out daily, find it extremely difficult to get rid of the stubborn belly fat.

Also Read: Struggling With Belly Flab? Try These 5 Tricks For A Flat Tummy
While several forms of workout have emerged with time, it is the age-old practice of yoga that rules out as the most trusted, effective and long-lasting method of nurturing and toning one’s body in a holistic sense. Practising yoga regularly aims the flab in the abdominal region, burns calories, makes your abdominal muscles more flexible, unwinds the mind and body and enhances overall metabolism. The key to getting a flatter belly and a well-toned physique is to combine yoga with a balanced diet and good sleep and food habits.
Well, getting a toned belly is not a dream anymore. We curated a list of 5 easy yogasanas to get rid of the annoying tummy fat for a more attractive appearance.
The seated forward bend stance is an exceptionally stress-relieving and immune-boosting pose. It plays a significant role in toning the tummy while also stretching the hamstrings, thighs, and hip flexors. It is also an important posture for those who are prone to gastrointestinal disturbances.