Psychotria Elata aka
Flowers are not always beautiful and can be shocking – for better or for worse. There are boring, colorful flowers, and then there are those that look simply unacceptable, like seeing the unwelcome smile of a Venus flytrap.
But a flower is enough to meet you, or to kiss you with her sweet red lips. These lips belong to a plant called Psychotria Elata and are commonly known as Hooker’s lips. Yes, you are not mistaken.

These plants come from one of 2,000 species in the Psychotria genus of flowering plants in the Rubiaceae family. This genus can even produce psychedelic chemicals such as dimethyltryptamine. Interestingly, this plant contains psychedelic ingredients that match its alluring appearance.
Red Lips
Like a glamorous woman with irresistibly red lips, prostitutes curl their lips to attract pollinators like butterflies and hummingbirds.
In fact, the red lips you see on the lips of whores are not the flowers themselves, but simply the kissable bracts, which only remain in place for a short time until they release the white flowers of the plant that emerge from the center. Its fruits are oval berries that turn blue or black when ripe. It is also a host plant for the thread moth (Xlophanes Adalia).

Conditions to Grow
Growing Psychotria Elata is a bit difficult due to certain climatic conditions that require you to propagate Psychotria Elata. First, ensure that a warm, humid, and humid climate can be effectively maintained. You will then need to place the plant in a sheltered location where it will not be exposed to strong sunlight, as this can negatively affect the plant’s growth.
While the name “Hook’s Lips” might be a little inappropriate, especially if you’re thinking of making them an admirable gift, people in Central America actually consider this plant perfect for any Valentine’s Day and other occasions. Gift. They buy it for their friends and family to show their love.

In addition to being used as Valentine’s Day gifts in Central America, hooker’s lips have health benefits of their own. Mesoamericans used the bark and leaves of this plant to treat rashes, coughs, and earaches. Additionally, the Ngäbe-Buglé and Kuna Indians of Panama use this plant to treat shortness of breath.
Hook’s lip flower grows in the rainforests of South and Central American countries such as Ecuador, Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia because climatic conditions are favorable for the growth of this plant.
Maybe now you’re interested in putting your hands on Psychotria Elata’s lips. But unfortunately, there’s bad news for you: Hooker’s lips are now threatened with extinction due to deforestation and their popularity among plant collectors. Psychotria Elata seeds are even hard to find online these days.
If you are looking for a similar type of rare and unique plant, whether to surprise a loved one or to stand out from the neighbors in an eco-friendly way! Many of these plants can still be found in planted trees.
Despite this sad fact about Hook’s Lip, let’s hope it doesn’t go away. In addition, such rare plants should be given high attention and care before bidding farewell to us.