If you have a problem with fat in your blood vessels, this natural remedy will be of great benefit to you.
To prepare the preparation, you need only two ingredients: dried figs and malic acid or kombucha drink. Make it yourself and try it.
The accelerated pace of life, the lack of physical activities and high concentration of fats in the blood lead to clogging of blood vessels and severe injuries to the cardiovascular system.
As the disease progresses, there is thickening and damage to the walls of blood vessels and atherosclerosis.

Other factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption or consumption of very fatty and processed food contribute to this disease.
If you have elevated blood cholesterol values, try this natural remedy, the results will amaze you.
Take three dried figs and prick them well with a toothpick on all sides.
Put the figs prepared in this way in a glass jar in which you have previously put 200 ml of malic acid or a stronger kombucha drink.
Let the ingredients sit overnight, then eat the pickled figs in the morning.
Use the rest of the vinegar for the next preparation of the medicine (for the next day), according to the same recipe.

So, next night put three figs again and prepare them in the same way.
You can use that 200 ml of malic acid for seven days, because the figs will absorb some of the liquid.
On the eighth day, add another 200 ml of acid and repeat the procedure for another seven days.
This therapy significantly reduces blood fat. Do an analysis after 14 days and check the results – you will be amazed why the drug is quite effective.
“I want to mention that my husband and I use it even though we don’t have a problem with high fat. We use this medicine two to three times a year.