Pesky cold sores can be very contagious and easily spread to other parts of the body. There are several ways of transmitting it, so you need to take precautions.
Oral herpes is the most common viral infection that spreads.
These are tiny fluid-filled blisters on and around the lips. After the blister bursts, a scab forms that can last for several days.
The inflammation usually heals in one to two weeks, and no scar remains.
When does it appear?
- Oral herpes most often appears and recurs due to:
- Viral infections;
- Hormonal changes;
- Stress;
- Fatigue;
- Exposure to sun and wind;
- Changes in immune composition.
Can herpes cause serious complications?
Herpes is a boring disease that keeps coming back, but it can be lived with and there are readily available cures for it.
In some cases, it can cause complications if it spreads to other parts of the body, especially the eyes.
Oral herpes in pregnancy is not a problem, because there is no way to transmit it to the fetus.

How long does herpes last?
This is individual, but it usually passes in a maximum of one to two weeks if it is treated in time.
When it first appears you may feel: headache, gum pain, muscle pain and fever.
How is it transmitted?
Herpes is transmitted from person to person, most often through kisses, but also by sharing contaminated objects such as towels, lipsticks, cutlery, cups and napkins.
The person can also self-infect, that is, transmit the virus from the mouth to the nose, genitals or other parts of the body.
To avoid all this, wash your hands several times a day with soap and water, especially before eating or using certain items.
To relieve the symptoms of herpes, the only really effective method is to take antiviral drugs immediately and by mouth.
At the same time, you can also use creams and other natural remedies that help regenerate the skin after the blisters burst.
Hyaluronic acid, for example, has good moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

Also try the following tricks:
Apple cider vinegar – has an antibacterial and antiviral effect and destroys microorganisms. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and leave it on the cold sore overnight.
Cold or hot packs – put ice on the cold sore. The ice prevents the virus from breaking out on the surface. But a hot tea bag is also an ideal choice for reducing inflammation.
Garlic – apply mashed garlic to the blisters and leave it on until you feel a tingling sensation.
Propolis – apply propolis several times a day to the area where you have herpes. Propolis has an antibacterial effect.
Toothpaste – the first aid for herpes outbreaks is always toothpaste. Spread it in a thin layer on the herpes and let it dry.