Home Health The Best Recipe Designed to Deflate the Stomach

The Best Recipe Designed to Deflate the Stomach


Just follow the instructions in this recipe and you will see that in a few days you will be able to deflate your belly and lose weight without complications, all in a natural way.


  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 sprig of mint
  • 1 ginger


  1. Wash all the ingredients well with cold water.
  2. Cut the cucumber, lemon and ginger into small pieces or slices.
    Boil the water.
  3. When the water is ready, place it in a container, also adding the mint and other ingredients.
  4. Cover the mixture and let cool.
  5. When the mixture is at room temperature, put it in the refrigerator.
  6. Eliminate the fats accumulated in your body by drinking a glass of this drink before breakfast, and another before each meal of the day, including dinner.
  7. This drink has endless cleansing properties that will help speed up your body’s metabolism and burn calories in a surprising way.
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